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Wedding Bouquet

Established Florist In Edinburgh. Beautiful Flowers for Every Occasion

Discover why we're Edinburgh’s top florist since 1934. Our same-day delivery and exquisite arrangements ensure your flowers arrive fresh and beautiful for any occasion. Call now to secure your bouquet.

Order online or visit us in-store today for stunning blooms!

Same-day delivery

Established in 1931

All Occasions

I ordered flowers online, which was very easy and quick. Went in to collect in and out in 2 minutes. The flowers were absolutely beautiful. My mum was thrilled with them for her birthday. Will definitely order from you again. Thank you so much.

- Sarah F (Google Review)

Excellent service from this florist. I have used them both ordering online and dropping in for a bunch of flowers. Superb service and attention to detail. I highly recommend them, and those that have received them from me are blown away by the quality.

- Reviewer name & source

- Lisa S (Google Review)

Shop Online or In-Store for Beautiful Blooms

At Flowers by McDowell, we provide exquisite floral arrangements with same-day delivery. Whether you need flowers for a wedding, funeral, birthday, or any other occasion, we have you covered. Visit our website or stop by our Edinburgh store for personalised service and beautiful blooms that make every event special.

Explore our selection online or visit our store to get your perfect floral arrangement today.

inside florist

Explore Examples of Our Stunning Bouquet Selections

Same-day delivery

Get fresh, beautiful flowers delivered the same day with our quick and reliable service. Perfect for any occasion.

Established in 1931

Providing floral excellence since 1931. Decades of experience guarantee quality and service you can trust.

All Occasions

From weddings to birthdays, and everything in between, we offer stunning arrangements for every special moment.

Rated the #1 Florist in Edinburgh

three best rated
Florist at work

Call us today to discuss your floral needs or if you have any questions

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Flowers by McDowell - 556 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH11 3AL - Tel: 0131 443 1512


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